Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Safe And Recommended Teeth Whitening

If you are self-conscious about the shade of your teeth or if you have staining on some of your teeth, professional teeth whitening treatment is a safe and recommended option for you to consider. Here is how teeth whitening works:

  1. You will be assessed for the type of staining your teeth have.
  2. A custom tray is made to fit snugly over your teeth.
  3. The teeth whitening process is activated by a bleaching agent, which is inserted into the custom tray that transfers it onto your teeth.

Home teeth whitening kits are also available to lighten the teeth more gradually. In this case, the trays with bleaching agent can be worn overnight. With all whitening treatment, individual results will vary and are dependant on your initial tooth colour and the nature of your tooth staining.

Life Benefits

  • Effective solution for certain types of tooth discolouration and staining.
  • Safe treatment when delivered by a dental professional.
  • Cosmetically enhances the appearance of teeth.

Transform Your Smile with Professional Teeth Whitening at Brite Smiles Dental

Teeth whitening is one of the easiest and fastest ways to transform your smile into something special. After all, your smile is one of the first things that people will notice about you, so it has a major impact on the first impression you make. Sparkling white teeth will also give your confidence a boost, something that can benefit you in all areas of your life. Brite Smiles Dental offers dependable professional teeth whitening treatment.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening in Newcastle

With so many over-the-counter teeth whitening treatments available, why should you choose Brite Smiles Dental? Here are just a few of the advantages of having professional teeth whitening.

  • Reliable, thorough whitening. Professional whitening treatments are simply more effective than home whitening remedies. You’ll know exactly what you’re getting, and you can be confident that it will work.
  • Faster results. We use laser whitening where you walk away with the whitest shade possible for your teeth in just 60 minutes.You can see visible results in just one session.
  • Personalised service. We’ll assess your teeth to determine the type of staining you have and then choose an effective solution. We’ll also make a custom-fitted tray for your teeth to ensure consistent results.
  • A beautifully enhanced appearance. There’s nothing quite like teeth whitening to bring out the natural beauty of your smile. You’ll enjoy the confidence that comes with having whiter teeth and a feel-good smile.

Tips for Getting More Value Out of Your Newcastle Teeth Whitening

When you schedule professional teeth whitening, you’ll love the results – and you’ll want to know how to make them last as long as possible. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your treatments.

  • Don’t skip any days. If you’re using our at-home option, be sure that you don’t skip a day between treatments. Keep in mind that skipping days means that it will take that much longer to achieve great results. Try keeping your kit somewhere that you’ll see it every day, such as beside your bathroom sink.
  • Pay attention to what you drink. You may love your coffee and red wine, but your teeth don’t. Not only can these beverages stain your teeth almost immediately, but coffee is acidic enough to erode tooth enamel. Consider cutting back on these drinks or, at least, having a glass of water right afterwards to prevent stains.

About Brite Smiles Dental

Brite Smiles Dental offers quality teeth whitening treatments along with many other services, including preventive dentistry, children’s dentistry, and emergency dental care. We have English-Hindi and Punjabi speaking staff members to provide more members of our community with excellent service. Our whitening treatments may be completed in our clinic in one-hour session, or you may choose our home whitening kit, which you can use at your convenience. Either way, contact us right away to book your consultation and get ready to love your smile.

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